Achieving Scale

Available from 9 January 2024 Scaling in expanding businesses is always fraught with challenges and pitfalls hence the Business Advisory Clinic program in mastering scale introduces key strategies to support the objectives. Achieving scale requires a level of repeatable and predictable systems. Refining and developing these systems is how companies are able to go from thousands to millions. No matter the […]

Operational Design

Available from 24 October 2023 The Business Advisory Clinic Operational Design Course gives you insight into visualisation tables and charts that explains how the organisation operates. Our approach is design thinking oriented hence based on Experimentation –  do, reflect, think and then reiterate the solution. An operating model is essentially a value delivery chain: a […]

Feasibility Study

Available from 15 August 2023 The Business Advisory Clinic feasibility study gives an understanding of the risks and rewards of potential projects and investments which is critical to managers’ decision-making process. The feasibility study program will support your endeavor to achieve a bankable outcome. Projects could be designed well and fulfill all Funder’s requirements, but […]

Business Modelling

Available from 6 June 2023 6 WEEK ONLINE COURSE Time commitment:We recommend 10 hours a week Course outline: Week 1 Module 0Business model introduction We unpack the business model concept and identify the 9 building blocks integral to success. Week 2 Module 1The value proposition of critical resources How do we tailor our resources to […]