If while you are expanding and evolving along the journey of creating your dream, you occasionally run into mental, emotional, or physical roadblocks. Business Advisory Clinic can support you in dismantling blockages in your life and career.
If while you are expanding and evolving along the journey of creating your dream, you occasionally run into mental, emotional, or physical roadblocks. Business Advisory Clinic can support you in dismantling blockages in your life and career.
You don’t have to walk this path alone Our Team of Industry Leading Coaches are here to help you navigate this new path.
Our Development Coaching programme pairs you with an experienced Coach to guide you to optimise & maximise the 7 critical areas of life. Through trust, dedication & alignment we will achieve ultimate Balance together
I achieve self mastery by practicing mindfulness.
I achieve advanced levels of wisdom and Leadership supported by a fully integrated whole brain state.
Deep inside your mind, heart and soul, you have an inspired purpose, vision, dream, and calling, that you would love to bring into reality and to contribute to the world.
A profitability ratio which is commensurate with achieving financial freedom.
Achieving balance in all 7 areas of life starts with building a congruent family foundation to achieve alignment in all 7 areas
I am a confident social being, others are inspired by my interactions with them.
I am in optimal health.
I exude vitality with boundless energy.
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands and you find yourself in a great and wonderful world. You discover yourself to be a greater person.”
Patanjali – Indian Scholar
Professional coaching is the collaborative process of enhancing professional and personal growth through conversations & engagement with an experienced mentor, to help guide you in achieving your full potential.
Conventional training and education can be theoretically empowering but adapting these skills into real world application that meets the unique needs of your business/role & lifestyle can sometimes require assistance. When you or your organisation feels out of balance or unable to transition into the next phase of advancement or expansion it can be frustrating and even at times costly.
Everyone, from CEO’s, Executives, Entrepreneurs to middle-management all looking to achieve sustainable growth. Coaching can be facilitated as a one-on-one relationship or as a group within a team with shared goals & objectives.
The coaching programme can either be a short or long-term journey, it is reflective of both your objectives, as well as the real-world impact you experience through the process. We do however recommend a minimum of 3- month commitment to ensure maximum success.